
Nov 16, 2012
Hello all,

I am currently trying to install Windows 8 on my computer, but I am having trouble after the installation. The installation was able to completed, but right after I got an error on my first log in.


When I restart the computer I am able to log in, but the desktop is just a black screen with a grey bar at the bottom. I can control alt delete and get to that screen, but nothing more. I have read that AppleCharger.sys is a driver installed from my Gigabyte utilities disk, there are also cases of uninstalling this driver and Windows 8 working properly. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into how to resolve the issue. I do have a separate HD with windows 7 to access the drive with Windows 8. Any help is appreciated.

Just tried to do somethings, and I can get to the command prompt. Whenever I try to do anything that would open up a window I get another error saying.

"The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Please check username and password."
Apple devices like a IPAD pull can 3 times the design max current from a USB port. Apple USB ports supply this current and thus can charge 3 times faster than a standard PC USB port. PC manufactures have added a APPLE device USB port for charging (red color) so they can also charge apple devices. Your bugcheck is in the driver for one of those ports. Update the driver or disable the driver if you are not using it to quick charge a Apple device.