In my search for a resolution to your issue, I found these two articles on TechNet which address the error message you have been receiving:
You receive an error message after you put the page file on another drive other than the drive C in a guest operating system
Error Message: Your System Has No Paging File, or the Paging File Is Too Small
Neither of these scenarios explicitly duplicate yours, however they both illustrate that the error you are experiencing occurs when the location of the page file is inaccessible. In the articles above this is caused when a drive is either not connected at boot or permission issues exist in relation to an NTFS file system.
To resolve the error you are experiencing, I recommend you attempt to restore your system to its original, recommended configuration for the page file, where there is a system managed file located on drive C. Upon confirming that the paging file functions properly and system functionality such as the ability to restart is restored, you could then proceed with the configuration you ultimately desire.
There is an excellent blog on TechNet which discusses the Page File, its merits, and its configuration located
here. This blog might help you to discover at what point your page file configuration is improperly configured and how to restore it to proper functionality.
Again, as noted in the
Windows Support article on modifying your virtual memory Microsoft strongly recommends that you do not disable or delete your paging file. Among other reasons if you disable the paging file and Windows encounters a system error, it may be unable to recover details regarding that error. I understand you have been operating successfully without the paging file for quite some time however I must note that it is not advised to do so.
If you have already resolved your paging file issue, you may disregard the above recommendation. However, the following is to address the issue of Windows 7 hanging on restart / shutdown. You may find the TechNet forum thread
“Windows 7 hangs on shutting down screen” helpful. If the restart / shutdown issue persists after following the steps outlined the forum thread by Linda Yan of Microsoft, you may still choose to try the above paging file recommendation as a troubleshooting step as both the paging file and failure to restart issues appeared to have originated simultaneously based on your posts.
Windows Outreach Team – IT Pro