Question pagefile.sys is 56.4 GB on my SSD


Jul 17, 2018
My SSD is full and I was wondering what is up, so I downloaded WinDirStat to have an overview. Turns out that a whopping 25.1% of my system drive are being occupied by pagefile.sys (56.4 GB) and hiberfil.sys (19.4 GB).
What caused this and how can I "fix" it? Any ideas?
That was quick... okay...

How do I turn off hibernation?

Where do I change pagefile size? Is that under "Virtual RAM"? I have that set to 32765 MB, recommended is 49147 MB and minimum is 16 MB.

I have 32 GB of RAM.

I use a 256 GB SSD for the C:\ drive and a 1 TB HDD for storage.

yup, it virtual ram. unless you have app that required Virtual Ram, change it to 10000MB(1GB) is enough
Just to make sure, you said "10000MB(1GB)", but isn't 1GB only 1000/1024MB?

I'm not 100% sure. I think back in the day I tried to use SSD for virtual RAM because someone told me it was faster and I was trying to get ARMA2 to run more smoothly.

I'm also notorious for having my browser running with 500 open tabs. Is this going to lead to more frequent crashes once I turn down the maximum Virtual RAM?