Painful static blast in headphones


Sep 3, 2015
Hey guys- not sure exactly where to put this, but my guess is it's a software thing and I run windows 10 so here I am.

Every so often my logitec g430 headset will emit an alarmingly loud blast of static then abruptly fade (yes, it fades, but abruptly so) and sound will resume as normal. Normally the headset sounds great- no issues with static or anything else.

My old audigy 4 pro soundcard died recently, so I've had to move to... onboard sound :kaola: This problem happened before and after the switch, and never through my desktop speakers, so I assume it's something to do with the software on the headset itself. I'm running the official software suit with the latest drivers and I've reinstalled all of it at least once.

Oh, I should mention it seems to happen infrequently when I play EVE or Fallout4, and more frequently when I play League of Legends.

My system:
Asus p5q pro motherboard
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9640 (OC'd to 3.8ghz)
8g G.Skill F2-6400 DDR2 800 Ram
MSI 760 gtx
Windows 10



Sep 3, 2015
What are audio enhancements exactly? Don't I want my audio enhanced?

Also, I just checked in my settings and there doesn't appear to be an option to disable sound enhancements for my headphones, just my soundcard.

Of course it's a soundcard option, the headphones are "dumb", only the soundcard actually does anything. Only time where you would have a "headphone" show up is if they are USB type, because they have a built in soundcard.