Pair with Q9550


May 2, 2017
Just looking for the best GPU to Pair with my CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550, its just a secondary build i use in my bedroom to play some games on a little 720p monitor i have in there. I use it right now for just watching some youtube and VRV, would like to play some simple emulators so i can stop carting around all my old systems between the bedroom and living room when i have friends over.
i would like to have a card that supports DX12 if possible, but just looking for best price to performance option to just to not have an insane bottle neck.

Thank you in advance.

The Pc Currently has
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
AMD Radeon™ HD 8570
8gbs of DDr3 1333mhz (4 Dimms)
Psu does not have a Pcie plug, so if we could not recommend something that requires PCIE adapters and such I would appreciate that.
I plan on also setting it up be streamed to to play more powerful games off it.
Any info is helpful, Thank you in advance.
It's how you perceive the problem.

If the gfx card is so fast that it doesn't bottleneck the CPU, it's generally considered a waste of gfx card. Or you buy a lower spec card to make sure that the gfx card bottlenecks, and it's a waste of a CPU. :)

So you buy the least expensive gfx card that outpaces the CPU in this case. The 1050 isn't too expensive, and it can be moved to a newer system later if necessary.

I have an a8-7600 and it sometimes slows the system a little, but the 1050 never does now. After a couple of years of having the onboard gfx being the limiter on things, it was still great to get the 1050. I used to get lag / stutter with 1080p Youtube and Twitch streams. Not with the 1050. Any issues now tend to be network /...
If you're not going above 720p and old games / vids, the GT 1030 would do for that. The gfx will bottleneck a little, but that's considered better than a CPU bottleneck, by and large.

Not many to choose from, but -,922204 (or pick a country of your choice at the top of the page)

If planning to go up to 1080p, possibly also the GTX 1050 for more gfx oomph, although the CPU might be a tad slower than ideal for it, but you can ramp up the gfx settings on games to get what you can from the card. No PCIe connector. 75W, so not too hungry. However, this is really for light to mid 1080p usage, rather than any serious gaming. It can handle older games very well.

Lots to choose from -,922204
I Like the 1030 Option definitely gonna look into that, i also see they have a 1050 in Low Profile, it is in a LP case, so that actually could work perfectly, but wouldnt a 1050 be a bit of over kill for this older tech? or would that be a better match than a 1030,
lets just assume i plugged in a xbox one controller and wanted to play some... say Fallout 4, since that would probably be the most demanding title id push on it.

It's how you perceive the problem.

If the gfx card is so fast that it doesn't bottleneck the CPU, it's generally considered a waste of gfx card. Or you buy a lower spec card to make sure that the gfx card bottlenecks, and it's a waste of a CPU. :)

So you buy the least expensive gfx card that outpaces the CPU in this case. The 1050 isn't too expensive, and it can be moved to a newer system later if necessary.

I have an a8-7600 and it sometimes slows the system a little, but the 1050 never does now. After a couple of years of having the onboard gfx being the limiter on things, it was still great to get the 1050. I used to get lag / stutter with 1080p Youtube and Twitch streams. Not with the 1050. Any issues now tend to be network / server related.

See you CPU vs mine -

With the GT1030, there a better chance of the gfx card holding back the CPU, as the onboard gfx already does, but the 1030 is still well ahead of your onboard gfx. See comparisons:

HD 8570 vs GT 1030 - (card is more than double onboard)

HD 8570 vs GTX 1050 - (card is around 4x the onboard)

GT 1030 vs GTX 1050 - (1050 is almost double the 1030)

Of course, benchmarks aren't real-world, and 720p requires less gfx oomph than 1080p, so the 1030 would be good enough for most things at 720p. If you're never planning to go 1080p, or move the card to a faster system, it would be hard to sell the 1050 over the 1030, given the price of the latter.
I got alot to think about but these figures show alot, and i have to favorite that website that is extremely useful.
I think ill just do some extra saving and go for the 1050 then since it will have resell value possibly and can really but a stretch on the possibility.
Thank you for going out of your way, this was very useful.