Palit gtx 670 goes to 101 degrees although fans are set to 80%,which is the max

Question from kostas65g : "Palit gtx 670 passes 100 degrees although fans are set to 80%,which is the max"


Nobody answers so i started a new thread.Can you answer my question?
As you can see here : there fans are spinning.Also i have noticed that when i launch a game or a 3d app my gpu are going up from 40 degrees celsius idle to 70-80 INSTANTLY and then after a few seconds it goes to 101

As you can see in my screenshots have msi afterburner installed but i dont overclock this gpu because of the temps.It is unplayable at thoes temps.Every time i launch PUBG i cant play, the mouse goes crazy my fps are 3-37 all the time with many drops.
The problem happens again.I dont know what to do.Should i download a ram profile or what?When i fire up a game, even cs go which is not a gpu intensive game it she goes to 101 C and the mouse movement is really laggy and bad i can upload a video at youtube if you want me to do so to help you diagnos my problem.As i said before i have done a CMOS,cleaned the fans replaced the thermal paste twice and it still happens.I really dont know what to do, buying a new gfx is not an option right now, so could anyone please find a solution?