[SOLVED] ***Parallels Setting Issues

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Feb 10, 2011

My work runs a Mac with the latest version of OSX Sierra 10.12.6. It has Parallels 12 on the machine for Windows applications that are needed. On the Windows side if I choose to install a program, it also sends it to the Mac side and opens the program on the Mac side which I do not want it to do. Also when I delete the program from the Mac side it deletes it from the Windows side too. Is there a setting that I may need to change in order for this to stop happening? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
that is how parallels work. It allows you to run a program virtually in Mac. doesn't matter if you start windows in parallels or open it from the mac desktop. Just the only thing is running it from the windows side is more like running in windows. The mac side lets its tangle with the mac system.
that is how parallels work. It allows you to run a program virtually in Mac. doesn't matter if you start windows in parallels or open it from the mac desktop. Just the only thing is running it from the windows side is more like running in windows. The mac side lets its tangle with the mac system.
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