Partition named CACHE automatically created


Jan 4, 2018
Hello everyone! :) I'm new here, I just finished my pc build. My SSD consists of 120GB of storage. However once I finished partitioning my drive I noticed that there is a partition which can be seen on "My Computer" named CACHE with a storage of 99MB. I checked the disk management and saw that it was part of my SSD. Can I safely delete this? or is there a way to hide the said partition? Thank you so much in advance everyone I appreciate it! :)
No don't delete, but it should not be seen. How exactly did you install Windows? Often it does create a 100mb system partition but I have not seen that show up as a drive letter. Try the setup again, delete all partitions on the disk, then just click through the setup without creating a new partition manually first.
No don't delete, but it should not be seen. How exactly did you install Windows? Often it does create a 100mb system partition but I have not seen that show up as a drive letter. Try the setup again, delete all partitions on the disk, then just click through the setup without creating a new partition manually first.