Partitioned windows 10 SSD is wiped? Need advice on how to proceed.

Oct 6, 2018
Hi there guys. I’ve run into a bit of an issue that I want advice on how to tackle. About a year ago my Internal hard drive died and I lost a bunch of things that were valuable to me. I went with out a home computer for a while and used a laptop until I decided to partition windows 10 on my Terabyte Seagate SSD. All went well and the installation and boot seemingly went great. I got some new games to play on it, optimized the pc, got it running blazing fast and a month later I came home to it on in windows Boot installation screen. The part where it asks you what region you’re in... What!? I rebooted my pc and it went to this screen:

imgur link

Where it sat for about a minute and said “can’t find any device”. Is it saying it can’t find windows on my SSD? Or is it saying it’s trying to boot the wrong thing? I’m still not sure but after that message it goes back to windows installation.

I’m at a loss here. I just got my pc back to what it was and feel demoralized... is there anything that can be done or am I out of luck...?