Hello, I've done a little research on SSDs, and why they fail, and from what I understand, it has to do with the fact that it reaches a point where it can't write new data because it can't delete old data, because it requires that any data deleted be in chunks of a certain size (can't recall the exact size), and that using something called a "secure erase" would return the drive to its initial state.
In any case, my friend and I hypothesized that two SSDs each with an OS on them could be used in a rotation to maintain the computer, while minimizing downtime. Run your OS on one until it degrades, then boot up using the second one, wipe and reinstall OS on the first, repeating this ad infinitem.
Now could you also do this using a single SSD with partitions, or is this a stupid idea from the get go? If so, why, since I'm still fairly new to SSDs
In any case, my friend and I hypothesized that two SSDs each with an OS on them could be used in a rotation to maintain the computer, while minimizing downtime. Run your OS on one until it degrades, then boot up using the second one, wipe and reinstall OS on the first, repeating this ad infinitem.
Now could you also do this using a single SSD with partitions, or is this a stupid idea from the get go? If so, why, since I'm still fairly new to SSDs