Parts upgrade help

Plamen Sotirov

Apr 7, 2014
Hello everyone,

As the title says, I plan on upgrading my old pc. Here are the specs:

CPU - Dual Core Intel Celeron E1400 2000 Mhz
Motherboard - Foxconn G31MVP/G31MXP
GPU - AMD Raden HD 7750 1GB DDR5 (Sapphire)
HDD - Samsung hd321hj ata (is it SATA II??)
PSU - 350W Fortron
Monitor - Philips 220VW (resolution - 1680x1050)

The things I would like to change are the CPU, Motherboard, RAM and HDD (if I cant use the old one). The budget is around 300$. I am from EU and will be buying at a local shop. I already have in mind Intel G3420 + H81 Motherboard + 500GB hdd and 4/8gb of ram. My questions are if the CPU wont bottleneck 7750 or vice versa. If the PSU will be enouch for the parts and if the HDD I have is gonna be compatiable with the motherboard and I can use it. I am not a hardcore gamer, I would just like to have League of Legends running at medium/high settings with atleast 60+ fps. Right now I play it with 40-45fps and around 35fps in fights.

I would take a look at AMD cpus. Probably the FX series. The FX6300 is a bit more expensive than the 4300, but it has 2 extra cores.


And if you want to upgrade latter the ram, get a single 4gb stick is you hit the budget limit.
I would go this way. Hope it will help
You are form Bulgaria, right? I assume by your name.
Get at least i3 if you can, the H81 motherboard is ok, and there is not much difference in price in 500GB vs 1TB HDD. Better get another PSU, 350W is enough for your system, but Forton is not a quality one and as the time passes the PSU will degrade in its total wattage output.
Yes Im from Bulgaria, but both i3 and fx-6300 are around 140$ and G3420 is 80$. I have read that G3420 is only slower than the cheapest i3 in the hyper-threading, my question is if the G3420 is good enough combined with 7750 for everyday use and light gaming. As for the hdd and psu (if I can use my hdd) I wont be buying (for now) a new ones, maybe in a few months when I save more money. Is it better to buy dual channel ram or only 1 stick?

-If it is for light tasks and games the G3420 will do the job just fine
-The good thing is that you will be using H81 motherboard, so latter in the future you can upgrade to LGA 1150, i3, i5 or i7.
-Better use dual channel mode
-As for the HDD, it can be reused.

Go dual channel with a matched kit if you can
And either CPU will be more than enough to drive the 7750.
Yes, the pentium is more than enough for day use and light gaming. It's better to have dual channel memory, as it is double (or should be) as fast.

EDIT: Hyper threading is like having more cores (almost like fake ones, kinda hard to explain), so it will help in gaming, but it almost make no difference while surfing the net and doing basic tasks