Pascal overclocking is hard...


Jan 29, 2016
Anyone know how to overclock a gtx 1080? I cant get it to stay stable with any oveclock whatsoever, not about temps it just wont take one for some reason.
I have a Zotac AMP! Gtx 1080 could it just be a gpu bios thing? I tried maxing the voltage % thing in firestorm and it wouldnt take even a minor overclock of like 50mhz after stress testing with maxed 4k bf1.
(Im new to nvidia overclocking but Ive been told by a lot of people that you can max the voltage slider without literally frying it from too much voltage (not temps, voltage) but Im just at a loss on what the issue is here

If anybody has a better bios to use for this please send me a link. Or if they know what im doing wrong let me know. I did also max out power limit and the temp target. I wasnt hitting the power limit either according to firestorm and later tests on afterburner. So im just not sure at this point if its me or if i lost the silicon lottery.
Dumb question, are you overclocking just for the sake of overclocking (my guess since the 1080 is powerful as all hell) or are you having low FPS in your games? Your card might be almost maxed out on clock from the factory, I have seen some cards do come seriously factory OC'd.
Sort of, At times in 4k battlefield 1 can dip below 60fps on ultra, i dont like this. Ive seen that most people can get up past 2000mhz but I can't. I know some people's philosophy with overclocking is don't unless you need to, but I don't like wasting free power when i have a rig that can support it.
I understand the "want" the overclock, I did it on my CPU, but haven't mastered GPU OCing either. As for BF1, from what I hear, it is a terribly not optimized game and people with stronger systems than you are having issues with it. Are you having problems in any other game or while doing other things? As for the overclock, make sure you set up a custom fan curve while doing your OC so that you don't thermal throttle. My honest thoughts on your main problem is a BF1 issue, not your rig. If you pass a stress test with your OC, but probs with BF1, then most likely a BF1 issue and just hope they patch the game soon to fix yours and everyone else's problems.

Bf1 is honestly a very well optimized game, It runs on just about everything I could throw at it i.e. laptops, my 7970 rig, and my 1080 rig, the most recent windows update hurt performance on systems with multi monitor setups (Microsoft hurts performance so often I swear) The 1080 is great but multi monitor is kinda ruined at the moment