Paul Ryan for VP

In picking Ryan, Romney is, in a way, emulating the vice presidential decision made by the man who beat him for the 2008 GOP nomination: John McCain.

Ryan, like Sarah Palin, is a pick designed not necessarily to appeal to independents or Democrats, but rather to excite the party’s base. Palin’s selection did that for McCain, at least for a time, but her candidacy fizzled after a number of slip-ups, including her now-infamous interview with Katie Couric. Presumably, Ryan won’t make the same sorts of mistakes that Palin made, and it’s helpful to him that he’s much more familiar with the national press, which regards him as an intellectual. (They certainly didn’t feel that way about Palin.) Also, McCain’s base strategy couldn’t succeed in a year when the Republican Party was so damaged, when the economy was collapsing and when Barack Obama was running a historic, exciting candidacy. But a base strategy might work this year because a motivated GOP base, despite its weaknesses with minority voters, might be able to outnumber the Democratic base in this election, much like it did in 2004.

It does not appear that Romney has his base fully behind him.
Paul Ryan as VP will keep the campaign focus on Obama's weakest issues; the economy, reducing the deficit, and creating jobs.

I am really looking forward to the VP debate and hope that Paul Ryan does not take it easy on Joe Biden. Paul Ryan should easily wipe the floor with Biden.
It was easily the best pick Romney could of made IMO. Even though I didn't agree with with his budget plan.

The real questions are, has he released his long form birth certificate, tax records for his entire life and his college transcripts?
Watch Ryan's 2010 video on picking apart ObamaCare. He lays out the faulty math, the budget lies, etc. He doesn't even have to stretch to make it happen. He literally points to one expense and cites how it counted twice, and how the money is shifted around to balance out. Not to mention the 10 years of steady tax increases to pay for it.

Based on where we stand today, if everything remained status quo, ObamaCare adds 2.3 trillion debt in 6 years, but will take 10 years to pay for those 6.
WHAT?!?!? You want the libs on this forum to have a debate about the issues. 😱 You must be an "old man" because your friggin senile to think libs can actually form an informed and factual opinion on the issues let alone have a reasoned objective discussion about them.

If they were able, do you think the first response was about Paul Ryan's taxes...

You have more a chance to get a coherent (let alone intelligent) answer out of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz! 😉 :pt1cable:

There is no reason to even debate Paul Ryan's plan, Romney has rejected it and its not even solvent.

He picked Ryan using the same failed logic used to pick Palin, they just want the base conservatives all worked up. Which I think will fail them..... The real advantages the Ryan brings is he is a good politician, Palin couldn't even hold it together through an interview (A Hilarious failure of an interview).

I think he is too conservative though... The people who will be attracted to Mitt and Ryan were already going to be voting for them, and people who were on the liberal republican side will now be forced to vote for Obama simply by the fact he isnt a hardlined conservative.

They have backed themselves into a corner and the only way out is on the backs of bible thumping, gun toting, moral crusading conservatives.

Your little jabs are getting real old chunky......

How can you gripe about libs not talking about the issues when you have an entire post bashing them? You even used OMG as a scapegoat to voice your hypocrisy.

From what I have been reading Romney's camp thinks they can win by going purely conservative and hoping that their base of supporters will be enough to win. If the turnout is as high as it was in the last election they will lose. If it is a lot lower then they have a chance.