yep. exactly. the motherboard may detect some nice PC133 ram running at Cas2, but with your cellery in there it definately AINT gonna be running at 133!
a bit of history for u.
the first cellerons came out when the pentium2 was still with the 66mhz bus. they just castrated it (literally) by removing all the cache (OUCH).
later on with the 100 & 133 fsb pentium2's and 3's they had another tool to make it run slower. hamstring the bus speed.
only very recently with the cellery 800 have they finally given it a 100mhz fsb.
Q. how bad is the cellery?
depends on the benchmark. the celleron is different in two aspects, smaller onboard L1 & L2 cache, and slower system bus speed. doing purely numerical calculations with little memory usage its not too bad.
however get any size with those calc's and the limited onboard cache will hamper it greatly. when you get up to complex calculations, floating point operations and memory bandwidth instensive apps (audio, video, GAMES) the celleron really looks anemic compared to the pentium3 (100fsb) and downright sad compared to the 133 fsb pentium3.
do a search of toms old cpu articles...sure to find one or two.
comparing the celleron to the AMD duron:
the duron has a number of advantages over the celleron
a. more onboard cache, from the start.
b. ALWAYS had a 100mhz system bus
c. is basically a much newer design, and particularly has a much better floating point unit.
a 750(100fsb) duron can easily beat a 766(66fsb) cellery cauz of the above mentioned things, and the 800 duron can also beat the 800(100fsb) celleron, mostly becauze of its newer architecture & more L1 cache.
the 100 fsb duron can also be asynchronously mated to 133 mhz ram (the ram actually runs at 133). giving a little more speed.
also, look in the local computer mag and compare the price of a 800mhz duron & celleron. BIG difference! durons are highly affordable!
so in order of allround performance, at the same total Mhz,
in last place is the celleron
then the duron.
in the middle is the 100mhz fsb pentium3
then its a toss up between the 100mhz fsb athlon B and the 133mhz pentium3.
and far outclassing the pentium3 is the athlon'C' (its the one with the 133mhz system bus)
durons/athlons also have another advantage going for them. the pentium3 & cellery are multiplier locked. means the only way u can overclock is to upp the system bus speed, and in excess that can make your pci cards crash your PC.
a trick can be done where the bridges on the chip of the duron or athlon can be closed, unlocking it, thus overclocking can be done changing the multiplier and leaving the bus speed alone. or you can do both.
high end athlons even come from the factory unlocked
like mine.
i could write pages about this.
(think i have actually LOL)
the cellery aint dead yet though... the 0.13 micron p3 is being terminated and rebadged the celleron with a lower bus speed of 100. course when u think about it its just dumb, and they do cost quite a bit presently.
course durons/athlons dont have it all their own way. they do run considerably hotter that the p3 or celleron, therfore requiring a quality power supply and a decent cooling solution. they are also quite vulnerable to physical damage if you do something dumb with the heatsink.
as for you with your mobo.
i reccomend you do as what people say.
get a mid range pentium3(133mhz fsb preferable) or, if you have money, a new motherboard and a 1000+mhz athlon. they are extreemly affordable right now.
In memory of the 90+ Auzzies missing in the WTC disaster. An attack that has changed the world.