PC 7.1 troubles

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Mar 15, 2016
hi i have a GA-Z170-HD3 DDR3 mobo i7 with a HD6950 2GB and trying to get 7.1 running

currently i have a HDMI cable running from my GPU into my reciever.. this detects and works i right click AMD HDMI Output in playback devices select 7.1 run the speaker configuration and then the test, everything seems to work fine

But then 7.1 doesnt work for when i try the youtube 7.1 test and then again when i load battlefield it seems to go back to 2 channels i have tried everything but cant get it to work anywhere else but the playback device test

im completly lost to why this is any help would be awesome
i dont have the game but from screenshots i've seen i would think you set it to HT then pick 5.1 or 7.1 below that.

i'd set your receiver mode to auto surround ans well so it auto-detects the signal and changes accordingly

if you have another game, a movie (dvd or file you know is in 7.1) to test as well that would be wise.
youtube is generally stereo only. yes, most of those 7.1 tests are stereo and were put up there by people who do not know any better. you may want to look for an actual 7.1 file or play a movie you know was recorded in 7.1

in your battlefield options is your audio set to stereo or surround?

i set it to home theatre which i assumed was surround sound, in the battlefield settings

i dont have the game but from screenshots i've seen i would think you set it to HT then pick 5.1 or 7.1 below that.

i'd set your receiver mode to auto surround ans well so it auto-detects the signal and changes accordingly

if you have another game, a movie (dvd or file you know is in 7.1) to test as well that would be wise.
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