Pc and games crashing?!


Dec 9, 2017
Recently i built my new PC, and the PC has been crashing its self as well as games. Some times the PC will crash when i turn it on and get to the desktop and start a game then it crashes to a blue screen with small lines and dots but nothing else for about 5 seconds then the display turns off but the PC stays on and i cant do anything butt switch it off manually. As for the games they crash within 3-4 mins of playing. Also when browsing then internet on chrome or internet explorer it blinks to a black screen then is fine (it does this quite often). Finally, im get random freezes when my screen freezes then turns black for a few seconds then comes back. all my parts are brand new except from the GPU which is from my old computer and my HDD however i don't really use it as i have everything on my SSD. (I have windows 10 pro)
my specs are:
GPU= 750 ti
CPU= Ryzen 1500x
PSU= 600w EVGA
RAM= 8gb DDR4
HDD= old 1tb
SSD= 120gb (with windows and everything on it)
Motherboard = B350-plus asus
before you say check drivers i have done that countless times. I have also done a clean install of windows and some other fixes however none have worked.
I would love to hear any fixes for my problem.
Many thanks
Ok. Then take the RAM stick that is in the motherboard out and put the other one in. If it still works like a charm it is not your RAM that is faulty.

Then proceed to put 1 RAM stick into eatch DIMM slot (ofc boot up and mess around alittle to see if you crash eatch time you swap DIMM slot.) and keep going until you have checked every DIMM slot to see which is faulty.

Good luck and good to hear you got it up and running again :)

Let us know how it goes :)

I have 40Gb of free space as i have hardly anything on my PC expect a couple of games. and it still was doing the same thing with everything on my HDD.
Also this is a screen shot of the voltages:

im not too sure what i am looking at but here are the readings:
Hardware monitor ITE IT8655
Voltage 0 1.43 Volts [0x83] (CPU VCORE)
Voltage 1 2.50 Volts [0xE5] (SB 2.5V)
Voltage 2 12.10 Volts [0xB9] (+12V)
Voltage 3 5.04 Volts [0xB9] (+5V)
Voltage 7 3.34 Volts [0x99] (+3.3V)
Temperature 0 35 degC (95 degF) [0x23] (CPU)
Temperature 1 27 degC (80 degF) [0x1B] (TMPIN1)
Temperature 2 34 degC (93 degF) [0x22] (TMPIN2)
Your volts and temps looks fine.
I am alittle unsure about the Vcore for the CPU, since that seems alittle high to me but I dont know the Ryzen cpu so someone who has that or know about it should answer that one.

But I know Ryzen is picky when it comes to RAM.
So can you list the full name (part nr.) of your memory. Or atleast the full name of it.
I will answer you in here OP instead of in the PM you sent me.

You wrote:
Hi it’s Ed from that thread you were helping me with it wouldn’t let me reply to you on the thread so I had to pm you, you asked for my ram and it is: Corsair CMK8GX4M2A2400C14R Vengeance LPX 8 GB (2x4 GB) DDR4 2400 MHz C14 XMP 2.0 High Performance Desktop Memory Kit - Red

So I just looked up your memory on the QVL list and it is there.

Page 3 and the 4th Corsair from the top.

So it is not the RAM (unless it is faulty)

What does the blue screen tell you when you crash?

When it crashes to blue screen it doesn't say anything anymore it is just a blank blue screen with random small lines.
I have apicture of it but i dont know how to put it on here?
That error is not bottlnecking.

And to me that is no regular blue screen either.

So to be 100% honest. I have no clue what could be wrong.

And since that is not a blue screen I have seen before I dont think it is a BSOD.

Do you have 1 or 2 modules of RAM? 1 x 8GB or 2 x 4GB?

i have 2 modules of RAM (2x4GB)
Again I will answer here with the PM you sent....

Sorry it’s me from that tread we’re tou haven’t seen the blue screen before, you asked what sticks of ramen I have: I have 2x4gb of ram.

Try and take 1 stick of memory out so you only run with 4GB. Make sure you are using the correct DIMM slot on your motherboard so look in your manual.

If the fail happens with the 1 module installed, then take that one out and install the other one. If you have failure even then, try a different DIMM slot. Keep trying this step until eatch RAM module has been tested in eatch DIMM slot.

This way one can often rule out 2 things.
1. Faulty memory.
2. Faulty motherboard.

Oh wow! i took one of the sticks out ans everything is fine xD
Ok. Then take the RAM stick that is in the motherboard out and put the other one in. If it still works like a charm it is not your RAM that is faulty.

Then proceed to put 1 RAM stick into eatch DIMM slot (ofc boot up and mess around alittle to see if you crash eatch time you swap DIMM slot.) and keep going until you have checked every DIMM slot to see which is faulty.

Good luck and good to hear you got it up and running again :)

Let us know how it goes :)

Okay, thank you so much for all your help. You are amazing bro! <3