Question PC Behaving VERY weirdly

Jun 21, 2019
Hey everyone, my PC is behaving very weirdly, noticed it about 2 hours ago
I was playing when i got some frame drop, noticed my antivirus (Kaspersky) had 2 icons on the taskbar greyed out, as it is when it's starting.
Hovering the mouse on them would make them disappear, i tried starting it again, ordered a full scan, it did it but stuck at 33% and froze, then it crashed, doing the same thing again, i tried starting it up but it crashed, it wouldn't start anymore, and the icon would say it's stuck on 33%. The disk usage was at 100% all the time, used by it, i uninstalled it, and after about 10-20 minutes it uninstalled and defender took over.
I rebooted, re-installed it, and no issues, however playing a video on YT is giving me the "if playback doesn't start soon, restart your device" error, i canceled the full scan the antivirus was doing after i installed it, but for some reason, after i closed everything to reboot, the PC froze, i could access the task manager and saw the antivirus was using 100 disk again, and the full scan was still going even though i canceled it, at 33% for some reason.

@EDIT: I went to the desktop but couldn't click on any icons, if i did that, it would deselect everything and i couldn't click on anything, i restarted explorer.exe but it continued, then i opened the task manager again and the antivirus was using more disk again, and the scan has resumed, currently at 34%, i don't understand what's happening

Can anyone help?
Uh okay so this is really weird. I rebooted everything, the clicking issue and freezing didn't reappear, but the playback error persisted, i opened a video in VLC and it took a while to start, the audio was a bit weird, i use a Logitech G430 USB connected to one of the ports, however, only the mic is in the usb connector, the headphone jack is plugged into the case connection (i'm having surround osund issues on a game so i found that using it this way allows me to hear correctly and speak at the same time) so i connected the jack on the usb connector and everything worked kind of fine, so i took it out and plugged on the headphone connector, and it continued working properly, videos are playing immediately, etc, no sound issues. I turned on the antivirus, it didn't try to scan again (i stopped the scan through the My Kaspersky website), no absurd disk usage.

Relating to my other posts here, all those issues began after i formatted. I'm thinking about hiring the technician that helped me track down all those issues to format my PC again, what do you guys think?
Have you installed/run the Gigabyte App centre -
since you have formatted PC, its possible that some of the drivers are old. That program will confirm you have latest and offer any updates. It might fix the weird behaviour you are getting

is pc still stuttering?

Yes, i didn`t update the other thread so let me summarize:
PSU was failing, capacitors swelling and all that
Replaced with an EVGA 500BR 80 Plus Bronze, after 7 hours the pc shuts down, no video input, GPU won't start anymore.
Reinstalling old PSU makes everything work again but i'm worried about the GPU cause i think all that damaged it (it still passed furmark)
stuttering is still here, everything basically.

I'll look into the gigabyte app now, thanks
Error you got as per conversation

Can you follow option one on the following link - here - and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a file sharing web site, and share the link here and I will get someone to convert file into a format I can read
I'm completely lost. Even though the PSU showed signs of failure since december, it didn't have any effect on video or whatever until i formatted.
Now, i said this a couple times but just for more info. I formatted because i was experiencing weird issues with Lightroom Classic, it was taking too long to process some changes in the photo, about 1-2 seconds to process white balance changes for example, also because it was an old install (1.6 years) and it was already slowing down.

I first used windows self-format tool, but it was kinda weird, had some activation issues.
So i connected the flash drive with Windows 10 1903, it wouldn't install on any partition, so i used a CMD commant to delete every partition and wipe it all so i could install it.
After i installed it, i noticed the stuttering, and pretty much anything from there has been noted here on the forum as well.

GPU survived furmark a couple times, the benchmarking for it is normal, so is the CPU, voltage readings from the PSU are weird but it's expected, pretty much everything is working. But Windows is still doing that, i don't understand
okay, I wasn't sure if you had one. I will send link to a friend who can convert the file into a format I can read.

Thanks, should i format? This PC was built for me, and i noticed that when i formatted a LOT was different. There might be a possibility that they installed drivers, i didn't, i only installed the latest nvidia GRD and that's it. Should i format it again? with the aid of a professional, to the latest stable windows i used, which was 1709?
Don't format yet, we see what dump shows us. I wouldn't put 1709 back on, its old and a waste of time as Windows would just update you to 1903 anyway.

Did you run the gigabyte app as it should install latest drivers for motherboard.

Can you list the parts in PC again so I don't have to look through you other threads?
Don't format yet, we see what dump shows us. I wouldn't put 1709 back on, its old and a waste of time as Windows would just update you to 1903 anyway.

Did you run the gigabyte app as it should install latest drivers for motherboard.

Can you list the parts in PC again so I don't have to look through you other threads?

I started the App Center but i don't see how to update any driver

I5-7400 4CPUs @3GHz
8GB DDR4 Multilaser + 8GB DDR4 Kingston
KCAS 500W 80 plus bronze Aerocool (Swollen capacitors, replaced by an EVGA 500BR which happened to fail and cause an unexpected shutdown, also here on tomshardware)
I don't have a Gigabyte board, does it look like this?

So what PSU are you using now? another EVGA?

No, i'm waiting for the store to refund me or send another EVGA, while i'm waiting i'm using my KCAS 500 again, since it's failing but its still supplying my PC, and the errors persisted with the EVGA anyways, and well, it failed, so, i can't use it again.
So as i was saying, the reason that lead me to decide to format was Lightroom, it took too long to process a lot of changes, contrast, white balance, etc. And now i'm returning to that same issue.
I make a change, the CPU usage spikes to 100, any audio in the background can suddenly cut off for half a second, until everything gets processed
in windows, can you search for System information, choose the app if you used search
in the listing on right, under CPU model, it should say what version BIOS you are on.

Can you tell me that?

I will go through driver listing and make suggestions. But I sort of need to know what you have installed now and until my friend wakes up, I won't know.

can you download this program -
all it does is shows the installed drivers.
when you open it, go into view and set it to hide MIcrosoft drivers
can you give me a screenshot showing the creation date column so I can see which drivers need updates.

upload screenshot to a file sharing website and show link here
American Megatrends Inc. F21 5/23/2017

Also regarding what i said. I was editing some photos and when i made some big changes the CPU usage spiked to 100 and the sound of a song i was listening to cut out. Is this any relevant, and could it be related to the PSU and/or mobo?
Hi, I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information:
The regular site is down or not working right, so I had to use pastebin.

File information:071519-30484-01.dmp (Jul 15 2019 - 20:30:46)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: opera.exe)
Uptime:4 Day(s), 10 Hour(s), 24 Min(s), and 40 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.
Hi, I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information:
The regular site is down or not working right, so I had to use pastebin.

File information:071519-30484-01.dmp (Jul 15 2019 - 20:30:46)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: opera.exe)
Uptime:4 Day(s), 10 Hour(s), 24 Min(s), and 40 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.

This is weird, Opera? I remember i came back to my PC after leaving it here for a while, the first thing i did was start a messenger call on opera, seconds later i had the BSOD. Weird
formats don't change bios/motherboard version.

Reason why you might want to update BIOS is you have bios F1 from 2017, and yet you have INtel Management Engine interface version from 2019. These 2 components should match up closer, the Intel program talks to bios and if the versions are so far apart, the Intel program could be asking BIOS to do things it doesn't understand.

for a computer with nothing installed, your drivers are all fairly new.

I have seen these cause problems before
Nov 12 2018 - dtlitescsibus.sys - DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual SCSI Bus (Disc Soft Ltd)
Nov 26 2018 - dtliteusbbus.sys - DAEMON Tools Lite Virtual USB Bus (Disc Soft Ltd)

do you use Wifi or Ethernet? Most of your drivers are all parts of Kaspersky