PC booting in SLIC loader. Please help.


Mar 18, 2017
My PC is booting into SLIC loader v1.5.0 after scanning with SpyHunter 4.
My question is, how do I get rid of it and boot my PC normaly, or how do I "load kernel" in grub command line?
I have windows 7
(Sorry for my bad English)
I didn't anything..as my knowlege about booting is small. I just scanned the PC and then restart.
I was searching on google and found that SLIC and grub commands are originaly from Linux. Probably there was an ubuntu or something before windows 7.

Yes that's what I am asking if you had dual boot on the system at some point, you don't know what was on your computer before? Did you buy this thing used or something and never did a clean setup?

You may want to start over with a clean Windows setup. You can backup your files using a Linux Live Boot disk and copying them to an external drive before installing Windows again.
I bought my PC second hand, I don't know what was on it.

In that loader I can use some commands. I tried "boot" and it didn't work, I have to load kernel before.
Reinstalling windows is the only solution?
I tried booting in safe mode but F8 brings me at the same loader.

If you bought this used and never did a clean Windows setup you really need to wipe the drive and install Windows clean. Does not look like whoever sold you the system did anything like that, and you don't want to be using a computer with who knows what left on it.

When you boot it off the Windows setup media, it will boot off then, then when you wipe the drive and install new Windows on it, it will boot fine. Make sure you delete all existing partitions off the disk so make sure nothing is left on there before starting the setup of Windows.

This will wipe the disk so you either need to try to get your files off the system with a Linux Live disk or stick your existing drive into a USB enclosure and copy things to another computer.
Thanks, I will google it for more informations but I still didn't got it with "grub" commands and kernel. I have to load kerner before booting. How can I do that?

You don't need to do anything with the system when doing a clean Windows setup, just boot off the setup media. Which you may not have. Did you get a Windows 7 key when you got the system? If not, you could be stuck with buying Windows for the system.