PC boots after 12 hours. Is my Mobo or my psu the problemen? HELP ME


Jan 1, 2017
hi,i have a PC and i think my psu half died beaucuse it won't turn on when it was in sleep and i have to wait for at least 12 hours tot turn it back on again.It was a corsair cx500.
Also can it be my mobo beaucuse if i start the pc after it just shit down i get an error code 00.after 12 hours it boots again.i tryed reseating CPU,ram,cmos ect. I even toon my PC out off the case.and if i try tot update the bios,i needs tot reset obviously but when it does that i get the error 00 code again.PLS HELP

Mb- msi z97 gaming x
Cpu- i5 4690k
Gpu - msi gtx 1060 gaming x 3gB
PSU- corsair Cx500

If the psu is the issue,which one should i buy then? Budget is around 60 euros