PC Boots,but DVI-VGA-HDMI Won't Work


Apr 5, 2016
Pc Specs:
*Case- NZXT S340(White)
*CPU- Intel - Core i5-4440 3.1GH
*MotherBoard- MSI - H81I Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard
*Memory- Corsair - Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
*Memory- Seagate 2TB 5900 RPM HDD - ST2000VM002
*Video Card- Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB WINDFORCE
My PC started to not show display on my monitor and I have been having a hard time figuring out why.
I have tried rewiring, resetted cmos, and tried dusting out gpu and cleaning CPU, etc... No displays work so I can't go into bios at all. USB ports work for my mouse and keyboard. PC boots fine with no other complications. I simply can't get a display onscreen. Tried most* things, but I'm willing to try more to get this back in shape. - Josh
Other things to try:

Pull your graphics card out of the system and try using the integrated graphics. You may have to hard cycle the power for the monitor

If your system was setup to try booting from external media before the HDD, try booting from external media.

If you were using fastboot, pull the connectors for the disc drives. Can you get to bios?

Something else to check would be your monitor.

Does monitor power light come on?

Can you access the monitor menus?

If you have a rocker power switch on it, turn it off that way and unplug it to completely de-power it. Let it sit for 30 seconds to a minute, then plug back in and re-power it. Use the monitor menus to select what input you are using (if required), and then turn on your system. Occasionally a monitor may become "stuck" in a low power sleep state. Doing the above power cycling will help check that
My monitor can turn on but can't detect anything so It goes into a sleeping state. The monitor isn't the problem though because it works when I use another system.
Other things to try:

Pull your graphics card out of the system and try using the integrated graphics. You may have to hard cycle the power for the monitor

If your system was setup to try booting from external media before the HDD, try booting from external media.

If you were using fastboot, pull the connectors for the disc drives. Can you get to bios?
