PC build finished- Monitor no signal?


Jul 8, 2017
Just finished building my PC, plugged in every possible cable, powered on the PSU. Lights come on, fans power up, peripherals light up, disk drive and HDD spin up, Graphics card lights up and fans power on, the only issue is that my monitor is displaying 'No Signal' when connected via the VGA port to my motherboard. Tried with HDMI from a TV to slots on both the motherboard and the GPU, the TV recognises that a PC is connected but says 'No signal from PC'. Is this a MoBo issue, a CPU issue, or do I need to update my BIOS because I'm using an older CPU in a newer motherboard (PC part picker did say that a BIOS update would be needed but I can't see how, if I have no monitor -_-)

You need to plug your monitor into the GPU to use it, else you will use the onboard GPU and not get the performance from the GTX 1060.
No it doesn't have VGA because that is a thing from the past. You must have a very old monitor if it doesn't accept HDMI or Displayport. But if both your GPU and monitor has DVI then use that and you should be good to go.

Intel i7 4790, 3.6ghz (LGA 1150)

Msi H81M-E33 Motherboard

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060

2x8gb RAM, HperX Fury

550W Corsair CS550M psu

Hyper212 Evo CPU Cooler


Coolermaster Elite 430 case

Acer S220HQL Bbd LCD monitor


The GTX 1060 doesn't have a VGA port though, and I tried HDMI through my graphics card and got the same error, 'No Signal from PC'


Haswell refresh support were added in Bios v6.4. If on the box you bought says v6.4 or later it should be fine and no display is the result of something else.

If the bios is older, getting a 2nd hand Haswell pentium cpu to flash your bios will be required.
https://us.msi.com/Motherboard/support/H81M-E33.html#support-cpu - Click the compatibility link under products service to the left

All the Hasswell cpus are top of the list, Hasswell-refreshe's at the bottom.
Question from OnlyUseMeFace : "Computer not using GPU"

did you move the monitor back to the GPU after you installed it again. if the monitor is connected to the motherboard it must use the iGPU.
did you move the monitor back to the GPU after you installed it again. if the monitor is connected to the motherboard it must use the iGPU

Are you sure about that? Because the GTX 1060 doesn't have a VGA port, so I cant use the GPU unless I get a DVI? That seems...obtuse.
If that is the case though, then logically if I get a DVI cable and plug my monitor into the GPU, all should be well? My drivers are up to date, so that would logically be the only issue
You need to plug your monitor into the GPU to use it, else you will use the onboard GPU and not get the performance from the GTX 1060.
No it doesn't have VGA because that is a thing from the past. You must have a very old monitor if it doesn't accept HDMI or Displayport. But if both your GPU and monitor has DVI then use that and you should be good to go.

Both my monitor and GPU support DVI, I just don't have a cable. I'll get one tomorrow and hopefully, it's all good 😀