PC build for bf4 with r9 270x.

Tejan Dua

May 4, 2014
Im plannig to build a gaming pc only for watch dogs , bf4 and titanfall my budget is under $450 i.e inr 25000.Earlier i decided to go for gtx 660 but after some research the r9 270x seems to turn out better fo all the above titles. My components are:

MB:MSI 970A-G46 Motherboard
CPU:AMD 3.5 AM3+ FX 6-Core Edition FX-6300
GPU:Sapphire AMD/ATI Radeon R9 270X with Boost OC 2 GB 2 GB DDR5 Graphics Card
Ram:G.Skill RipjawsX DDR3 4 GB (1 x 4 GB)

How is the cpu/gpu combo is it well balanced? and i chose this mobo because of crossfire which i planning to do in future when the gpu is half of its price.Im recycling my case , optical drive and hdd.

Can the above setup handle the above titles at 1080p on high - ultra settings without crossfire(What would be my range of fps).

Is switching from gtx 660 to r9 270x a good option ?
since ill be using amd ill miss out with geforce experience , is there any alternative for shadowplay?

What power psu should i get?
the gpu is an OC edition so will i be in a need to get an after market cooler?

Thank You!
I will really appreciate your time and help.... 😀