In a few months I am buying the parts to build a computer.
1. First I need info on the chassis. I am currently looking at the Rosewill Galaxy-02-A Black ATX Mid Tower PC Gaming Computer Case, and hoping it'll work, and if not, provide a case that'll work down below. I would like a chassis with the following aspects:
---Is affordable, preferably around/under $50
---Can fit ATX PSU and mobo
---Supports Corsair CX ATX PSU Series
---Has a dual bay usage compatibility for 750 Ti Superclocked graphics, using this mobo http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4343&dl=1#ov
---That the mobo provided above will fit the case suggested, according to sound, usb, etc jacks
PS: Please take the time to also look on ebay for these parts, as ebay often sells items for under-normal-price.
In a few months I am buying the parts to build a computer.
1. First I need info on the chassis. I am currently looking at the Rosewill Galaxy-02-A Black ATX Mid Tower PC Gaming Computer Case, and hoping it'll work, and if not, provide a case that'll work down below. I would like a chassis with the following aspects:
---Is affordable, preferably around/under $50
---Can fit ATX PSU and mobo
---Supports Corsair CX ATX PSU Series
---Has a dual bay usage compatibility for 750 Ti Superclocked graphics, using this mobo http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4343&dl=1#ov
---That the mobo provided above will fit the case suggested, according to sound, usb, etc jacks
PS: Please take the time to also look on ebay for these parts, as ebay often sells items for under-normal-price.