Hello! I built my first system 2 years back. The build went fairly well, and I had it up until 7 months ago. I built a new system from scratch, consisting of a Ryzen 3 1200 and a GTX 1060 6GB. I tried my best to find good parts for the price, and the build went really well and it looks amazing. Since building it though, I have had issue after issue after issue. The system is slow, and it freezes up daily to the point of having to shut it down with the PSU Switch. I have done much research but to no avail. I feel that spending almost $800 on parts, I would expect a really fast PC and a great user experience. As a 15 Year old, $800 is alot of money to spend, especially since it got me a huge RGB paperweight essentially. I was wondering if you might have any suggestions. I have thought about selling off the parts and getting a prebuilt system or laptop. Below, I have linked the most recent benchmark and PCPartPicker list. I know most of you have a lot of work and emails to go through, so I don't expect a reply, but if you see this and have a minute to help a fellow PCMR lover, I would be very thankful!
Benchmark- http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/11321424
PCPartPicker- https://pcpartpicker.com/user/jamescgreer/saved/BvjtJx
Benchmark- http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/11321424
PCPartPicker- https://pcpartpicker.com/user/jamescgreer/saved/BvjtJx