PC Build - Is it Compatible? Recommendations?


Feb 27, 2009
Yea get a good air cooler or water cooler for that and make sure it is LGA 1155 compatible. If it was me though I wouldnt get the i7 because its a hundred dollars more but if price is no object then that processor will probably last longer, but only time will tell if hyperthreading will be used well in games before they become too demanding for haswell.
Thanks for the responses. I didn't pick out a cooler because I have no plans to overclock at the time, if I do want to later, I'll end up getting the 212 evo or use the one from my old PC.

As for the hundred bucks extra, I'm not too worried about that as I do want it to be somewhat futureproof'd and if I'm spending money, might as well get a great build that'll last me a while.

Any other concerns I should be worried about?

Thanks again!