Pc build not working help - problems


Nov 26, 2016
I connected all the front panels ( idk if that's the problem) but 1st thing is that my fans won't turn on. The 3 pinned molex cable (for the fan hub I believe) thing from my case is connected to the four pin molex cable to PSU. Oh and the PSU molex this it's like a wire hybrid of sata cable and the end of it connects to PSU and the other end is basically the four spaces for big pins. (That's where I plugged my case molex cable to)

The second thing is the CPU cooler fans won't turn on either. The one pin thing is connected to the header called CPU_FAN. And the two fan wires are connected to the wire that the CPU cooler came with. The USB wire is connected to the 1112 USB on mobo.

The third thing is when I turned on my PSU, the mother board lights green and the GPU lights white. When I press power, nothing else happens.

The fourth thing is for the USB 1314, I have a network adapter connected to it. I also made sure the CPU power wire is connected to the PSU and so is the mobo.

In deep shit, you would be praised so much from me if this works or else I'm fucked.

I have
Asus Z170K motherboard
Asus 1070 Strix
Rosewill Photon 750 Full modular PSU
NZXT phantom 530 Case
H115i CPU cooler
It seems like all of your connections are not properly seated. your motherboard works, which is a good thing. I would re-seat everything again and make sure everything is properly secured. That's the first thing to. Especially if none of the fans are working. Do you have to use molex for the case fans?
usb 1314 is for usb cables not ethernet. if you did it may be shorting out the mb. two usb ports now on mb the blue/black usb 3.0 cable for the frount usb ports and usb 2.0 ports. on your build pull the gpu and one ram stick see if it posts. if there no post pull the case cables. plug in only the main switch...make sure it on the right two pins. (not the power led) if there no post check to see if the io sheild is shorting the mb out or you forgot to use the brass standoffs and the mb is shorted to the case.

I tried redoing the wires already. And idk if I have to use the molex but I have five fans total including the two from CPU cooler

Ok I guess I'll try pulling that network adapter USB out. My MOBO has three USB at the bottom. One long blue one (3.0 I assume) and open pins that lists USB 1112 and USB 1314. brass standoffs are already implemented in the case. And will pull the gpu and ram out.

Yes I did, I think it must be a PSU issue. And gpu connects directly to PSU

Pretty sure I plugged the CPU wire to header CPU on PSU. And the Motherboard to PSU (can't miss it). Those two thing are okay for sure. You're right, where do I plug that molex wire in the PSU for the fan hub, and for the disk drive and optical drive?

If you are using the molex wire that came with the PSU, the HDD and molex should go where you see Sata and IDE, in those two slots. Make sure it's snug. I usually pull a little just to make sure. Also make sure the cables are snugged on the fans and hard drive. Do you have a fan controller or something? You should be able to connect the fans directly to the motherboard. It should be three SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN
How did you put a network adapter in USB 1314, if it has nine pins?

If the network adapter is USB you plug it into a USB port on the outside. Not inside the case

This The USB wire is connected to the 1112 USB on mobo. Do you mean the USB 2 cable from the front of the case??

This. The one pin thing is connected to the header called CPU_FAN.

The CPU / cooler fan should be plugged into this not something that has one pin on it


No like, my network adapter needed to be connected to the PCI (slot like the gpu except 3 times shorter) slot. And the cable for it needs to connect to the USB pins on the mobo.

The CPU fans are connected to the wires that came from the pump, and the pump USB is connected to the mobo (for power I guess) and then another wire that has four slots(or three I believe) to connect to the CPU_FAN.


Ok so, I plugged everything in right, my mobo led lit green and gpu led lit white. But the fans aren't spinning even after I clicked power on via PSU and Case power button. Also I did that paper clip thing and it worked but when I connect all the wires this happens
on asus mb there two cpu fan headers. main cpu_fan and cpu_opt_fan. the cpu fan is connected to the first one to control fan speed and to make sure the cpu fan does not stop. the other one is used for pumps from liquid coolers. on power supply there going to be sata or option cable ports. one of the extra cables will have 4 pin molex on it. plug the 4 pin moles into the fan controller. for power. most if the nxzt cases have a female molex that you plug in the power. to see if the power switch works use a screw driver short the power switch pin on the mb see if the mb turns on. also check that the case cables to the switch are fine. last test is pulling the mb from the case try turning it on with one ram stick and power. if there no post try another test power supply. on asus mb the last 4 numbers are the bios rev of the mb make sure your mb has the newest bios file. if not some asus mb have usb flashback on it.
so my stuff are all connected correctly. The only thing is that the PSU fan won't start even powering on via Case power button. And I tried the paper clip thing to see if the PSU works and it did