PC Build.. Unsure.. Need help.


Apr 19, 2015
Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
MSI Z97-G45 Gaming ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Kingston T​​echnology​ ​HyperX B​ea​st 8GB ​Kit​ 2133M​Hz D​DR3
Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
NZXT S340 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case
XFX TS 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply


I'm trying to build a PC and I'm having power problems. I'm not sure if I should go with a XFX R9 280x or a MSI R9 280. I don't want to choke my PSU to death. I have tried doing research and it seems that I would be better off losing 10% performance for power.

Uh I know CX600 is complete garbage. Where did you base your answer off of?

AMD reiterates plans to introduce New Radeon R9 300 Series GPUs in June 2015.

Source: KitGuru.Net - Read this full article with approximate R9 300 GPU Prices.

The AMD's new R9 300 Series, are expected to use High Band Width Memory (HBM) that will consume less power yet offer superior performance than GDDR5 technology.

What's the advantage of owning an HBM based R9 300 Series card?

65% performance improvement over GDDR5, 40% power reduction and 37X size reduction over DDR4.

So its wise to upgrade later.


Price would be estimated atleast at 500$+ huh? Wouldn't be able to afford that.

Your reply just reflects the fact that you didn't read the article linked there.

Radeon R9 300-series range so far (please keep in mind that not all model numbers and specifications may be accurate):

AMD Radeon R9 390/390X – Fiji Pro/Fiji XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 4096 stream processors and 4096-bit interface to HBM memory. Price range: $649 and upwards.

AMD Radeon R9 380/380X – Grenada Pro/Grenada XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 or GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 2816 stream processors and 512-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: $249 – $299 – $329. Since “Grenada” GPU is basically a revamped “Hawaii”, it is possible that instead of making a new GPU, AMD will simply use the old one under a new moniker.

AMD Radeon R9 375X – Tonga XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 architecture with up to 2048 stream processors and 384-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: around $229.

AMD Radeon R9 375 – Tonga Pro graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 architecture with up to 1792 stream processors and 256-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: around $199.

AMD Radeon R9 370/370X – Trinidad Pro/Trinidad XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 1536 stream processors and 256-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: $119 – $149.


How much power consumption would you say?

Certainly less than what the current gen AMD cards are using right now. HBM based cards are expected to use 40% less power than GDDR5 cards.


The problem is that I am currently using an AMD XFX 7870 Double D and I'm not sure if it's failing or what. I get random bsod's, shutdowns, etc... Haven't been able to find the problem so I figured selling it would be my best bet. Anyways, should I just keep and save?

If your 7870 gives headache, sell it, save the money, wait for the new release in June 2015, compare the R9 300 series with R9 200 series.

If you still don't like the new release, you can still get one from R9 200 Series, may be for a better price than it sells today.
