Only a few things:
I would consider what you'll be doing. By looking at it, I assume you'll be gaming? If you can afford it, upgrade to an i7 Kaby Lake. The i5 is just fine, but if you want a tad bit more bang, i7 is your route. If you'll be doing more than gaming, however, consider Ryzen. A multicore platform optimized for workstation and gaming capable.
Also, do you plan to overclock? If so, I would look at an AIO, like the Corsair H110i/115i. Avoid the H100i, because it is notorious for pump failure and leakage.
If you can, try to find a 7200RPM drive. 5400 is "traditional" for hard-drives larger than a terabyte, but you can find a 7200 2.5TB HDD. It'll probably be more expensive, but worth it.