PC Build:what you need the most or what you can buy cheaper to get good performance gaming


Jun 2, 2015
Hello guys!
So this is the build i've built that I think is the best with not wasting alot of money and will last you very long: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/gNK7bv
For CPU I chosed the cheapest i5 from PC partpicker site if you can get cheaper any i5 buy it I think it doesn't matter which one you buy or if you overclock it its very small difference in FPS all you need is that 4 core and 4 threads.Also for the motherboard I think you don't need an exspensive one only if you wan't better sound and more ram slots or something but for gaming it won't effect on FPS or something so I picked the cheapest one with 16GB Maximum Memory slot,For RAMS we got 1x8GB you don't really need more for now but later on if we will need you can still add 1x8GB so you will have 2x8GB=16GB I think for gaming we won't go above 16GB for a very long time but you never know... For storage we have an SSD and normal hard drive Cheapest SSD of 240GB and Cheapest Hard drive of 320GB I think thats perfect for gaming you don't need more storage.
For the GPU I chosed one of the best GPU on the planet right now It is just very cool you can play everything maxed out on 1080p or 1440p and 4k not maxed out with still nice settings and frames GTX 980 TI G1 Gaming it allows you very nice overclock and cooling.For case I again picked the cheapest part beacuse I think its not important that much but for cooling if you need more cooling just open the case from side.For PSU I picked high end one beacuse is one of the most important part in PC that is EVGA G2 750 W Supernova.Cheapest Optical drive.And for the monitor I picked the best 1080p 144hz G-sync TN 1ms Monitor.The reason why I picked this monitor with Gtx 980 ti is Beacuse it will last you for a longer time than on 1440p or 4k and the picture quality is still very nice on 1080p Also you will gain alot higher FPS.All that is left to buy for this build is just Speakers or Headphones and Mouse and Keyboard :)So guys sorry for bad english I hope I helped with what parts do you need for PC Gaming that can be cheaper and still performs good as any more exspensive parts in performance gaming FPS quality and I also showed what parts do you need more exspensive to perform alot alot better and is important for PC Gaming that is GPU and PSU.
Have a nice day!
You can go easy on the PSU and get a 600W, and if you're only going to game on a single monitor at 1080 or 1440p then you should opt for a 4gb version if not a 970, because the price increase is not worth the performance increase (to some).

Also a very important point is that choose the cheapest 7200 RPM HDD and not a 5400 rpm.
I can't seem to find information on the case you selected. It maybe to small to hold the 980ti. I think you should invest a little more in a case you can verify it is compatible with your selected components.

As for the RAM you selected 1, 8GB stick of RAM. This is a performance detriment with any i3, i5 or 1150 i7 processor. You need to use two matching sticks of RAM for the best performance.

The motherboard quality makes a difference in your computers performance. The life of the motherboard, the VRM's and overall quality will be less with a low quality cheap motherboard.

The PSU is a good choice.

As for SSD, if it has a decent warranty it maybe worth considering. I personally want the longest warranties I can find on these guys because my DATA is worth far more then the cost of any SSD.

You're right to say the 980ti is the best graphics card available. But the 1080p monitor is a waste of its capability. It really should be paired with a 1440p monitor.
You can go easy on the PSU and get a 600W, and if you're only going to game on a single monitor at 1080 or 1440p then you should opt for a 4gb version if not a 970, because the price increase is not worth the performance increase (to some).

Also a very important point is that choose the cheapest 7200 RPM HDD and not a 5400 rpm.
Thank you both for corrctions :) JQB45 980 ti is not an overkill for 1080p 144hz monitor you can play every game maxed out for example GTA V and Witcher 3 maxed with AA you will get 50-70 FPS But for competitive games like shooting games 144hz with 144fps is faster to achieve with 1080p to play very smooth on this card. Also what is for picture quality difference between 1080p and 1440p I think its not very big difference and you will have longer time use with that card on 1080p if you think you won't be able to afford better GPUs in the future.Also you can have an option of frame scaling so you can use that instead of AA on 1080p and you can play like its 1440p or 4k no big differences...

True ''for some'' but if you have little more to spend you can go with 980 ti and max out games beacuse with 970 you can't max out settings.
Sure why not you can get better case if you have more money but I'm just saying it can't affect on cooling beacuse if you need more cooling you can just open the case or remake it to have better aircooling but you will have to clean it more times...

its not about better cooling. It's just that your components wont fit into it, especially the 980 as the length is too much.

It can fit 100% it just say that is unable to verify that doesn't mean it won't fit...

That i5 will hold you back on the fps front at 1080p.
You absolute don't need a 980ti for 100fps+ 1080p gaming - its overpriced as it is & would be wasted money.
If rather take a better CPU & a 970 at 1080p - the 980ti is a 1440p/2k res card - its wasted at 1080p completely IMO.

This is a balanced 1080p 100fps+ setup for far less money with absolutely no weak components.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($159.99 @ Micro Center)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($69.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($45.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial BX100 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($84.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($319.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case ($34.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($63.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Lite-On iHDS118-04 DVD/CD Drive ($13.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Monitor: Asus VG248QE 144Hz 24.0" Monitor ($249.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1096.39
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-22 13:15 EDT-0400

OK you can go with better i5 but just trying to say that i5 makes alot higher difference from i3 than i7 from i5 in gaming.all you need the most is 4 cores atleast and 4 threads about the clock speeds I in my PC have i5 3570 non k with turbo to 3.8Ghz and I think thats enough Before ive bought this CPU I was checking if OC is making any real difference and it doesnt actually it just wastes you more money so i think its not worth it to get K versions of CPU and Z mobos you will probably also need another CPU cooler and that makes it at least 100$ difference in money for minimal improvment.About 980 ti why for 1080p ? beacuse I think you will be able to use it for longer time if you don't want to change PC for sometime if you want 100+ fps you will need it for competitive games but 980 ti on 1080p maxed settings on GTA V with AA gives you around 55-75FPS but don't forget that you can also have option for frame scaling in some games so you can play almost like in 1440p or 4k so you can have still very nice picture quality in games if you don't need more than 100+fps like you said now think about the future the games will get more demanding so thats why I will buy 980 ti for 1080p I'm still in school I don't have alot of money I'm just working now while we have holidays to get money to get a GPU that will last me as long as it can.You won't be able to have this card on 4k for long time you will have to lower your settings time by time people are thinking that resolution is everything no it isn't go check forums before you tell that 1080p is overkill with 980 or 980 ti.