PC Build with a GTX 1060 Armor OC...


Jan 2, 2015
Hey guys,

I've already bought my GPU which is here:


After doing the research I plan to go with a i5 6500, but would an i7 be worth the upgrade?

I need help compiling parts and building a pc. Obviously if we can keep it as low as possible that would be swell. I also want 16gb of ram and a CD/DVD drive.

What about the Wifi adapter? Is that better just to get after your pc build?


Yeah I highly recommend Pcpartpicker.com you can pretty much see your build and pick out all parts for the pc from cpu heatsinks to computer monitors and keyboards it will also show you all popular places and cheapest places to purchase your parts like amazon or newegg, but I also extremely recommend looking at all compatibility measures on motherboard manufacturer websites i.e Asus or Asrock to make sure 100 percent everything works usually there are cpu and ram support lists.
If you plan on doing tasks very quickly or want your pc to boot faster or do mundane tasks quickly as well then yes the i7 is very much worth the upgrade. Oh and forgot but i7's are typically better for gaming than any i5 if your i7 is also quad core with hyperthreading = better fps in most games over i5 just note heat will be a slightly worse so make sure to get a good cooler as well. For the 16gb of ram if you're planning on using all 16 for something then sure get kingston always 1600 mhz should be fine for you. For the cd/dvd drive a typical LG drive should be fine they usually run around 20-25 dollars. And heavens yes the Wifi adapter should be thought of after the pc is built typically you would want ethernet for lower latency but really pick any wifi adapter if you want they run from 15-20 for pretty okay ones the best are about 30 to 50 range. Also congrats on the 1060 a fantastic choice for future vr endevours as well.

Thanks Matthew,

Where do I go to actually pick parts to build one? I'm not sure how to know if my pc parts will be compatible etc.. Is there a site for this?
Yeah I highly recommend Pcpartpicker.com you can pretty much see your build and pick out all parts for the pc from cpu heatsinks to computer monitors and keyboards it will also show you all popular places and cheapest places to purchase your parts like amazon or newegg, but I also extremely recommend looking at all compatibility measures on motherboard manufacturer websites i.e Asus or Asrock to make sure 100 percent everything works usually there are cpu and ram support lists.