PC Building Simulation

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Jan 18, 2015
I'm going to build a PC soon and want to be familiar with all the components. Are there any android apps that simulate building a PC or something like that?

I used pcpartpicker to pick out my build so far, I'm looking more for something that simulates actually assembling the PC, or something like that. There probably isn't but it'd be great if I found something.

Once you get your parts.. Go to youtube.com and look at some videos. There are thousands of videos on pc building.

Also, Once, you have everything in front of you it will just come to you naturally since it s not rocket science building a computer.

1. Take out the mother board
2. CPU in the motherboard and RAM
3. Heat sink or liquid cooling on the cpu
4. attach the motherboard to your case
5. Insert HDD or SSD
6. Insert PSU and GPU
7. Put on case fans
8. Plug all the wires in.
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