PC crashes and won't boot, PSU main suspect!


Aug 5, 2015
So my PC started crashing two days ago, but that was only under heavy load. Now it won't even boot, however when I remove my GPU it runs fine. PSU is definitely the main suspect but I don't wan to spend a bunch of money on a new one if it's something else that causing it. So I was wondering if my PCIe slot on the motherboard could be faulty or something like that, I really have no clue about troubleshooting when it comes to motherboards. RAM is not at fault, already tested both sticks, first one by one and then both at the same time with Memtest86 and it found 0 errors.
Full Specs:
CPU: i5 3450 3.1GHz Stock cooler
Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G43
Storage: 1TB Barracuda HDD, 120GB SanDisk SSD
PSU: Corsair CX430 v3
RAM: 2x4GB Corsair xms 3
1 Intake Fan
1 Exhaust Fan

Also another thing that I find strange I just yesterday I was able to run Prime95+3dmark firestrike without crashes followed by a gaming session on Far Cry 4 and then The Witcher 3, while it crashes on boot today :/
First check that all cables and components are inserted/seated properly, this includes the monitor cable.

Try moving the DIMM's to different slots, as some slots may be faulty?

Try another known working PSU (borrow from neighbor, friend etc if necessary), and/or try the original PSU in another computer (neighbor's , friend's etc computer if necessary).
First check that all cables and components are inserted/seated properly, this includes the monitor cable.

Try moving the DIMM's to different slots, as some slots may be faulty?

Try another known working PSU (borrow from neighbor, friend etc if necessary), and/or try the original PSU in another computer (neighbor's , friend's etc computer if necessary).
my build crashed on Witcher 3 ultra settings after heavy use(6-7 hours) ended up finding out my fan speed was set too low. May be that your card is overheating so if you have way to move more air that may solve your problem.(my mobo is a gigabiyte and has an application called easy tune 6 where you can adjust fan rpm) Also if the area your computer is in is hot try getting airflow into the area to keep the comp from heating the room and worsening its overheating issue(if that is the problem). To note overheating i believe is the suspect since you can run less energy consuming applications but when you start loading it it crashes. If you booted it right after a crash the hardware hasn't cooled yet so that might be what happened when it crashed on boot. If you just woke up after 8 hours and it crashed then i don't think its an overheating problem.

I'll try and get a hold of another PSU and report back if the problem gets solved :)

I also suspected overheating first, but I unplugged my GPU and used the computer for a few hours and it was fine, but as soon as I reinserted the GPU and turned on the computer it crashed just before it got to the windows desktop. Right now I'll try replacing the PSU :)