Question PC Crashes while only playing CS:GO Kernel Power (id:41) (63)

May 2, 2020
So while playing CS:GO my pc will just randomly crash no warning no shutdown screen just black screen i then have to disconnect power and wait till rebooting.
My System
Mobo - Asus B450-a
GPU- Rx580 8gb
CPU - 2600x
SSD - Crucial 120GB
HDD - Toshiba 1TB
RAM - 2x corsair vengeance 8gb 300mmhz
PSU - 80plus bronze 600W
My temps are all fine i have ran all sorts of CPU GPU stress tests for hours and nothing comes up nothing that stands out in event viewer either ive tried so many solutions including full pc reinstall to eliminate a possible virus problem ive reinstalled csgo capped fps installed new drivers and still no fix any solutions?
(UPDATE) I updated bios but still no luck
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