[SOLVED] PC Crashikng Whenever it's in Idle


Aug 26, 2018
So, i have an:
-i7 3770
-750 Ti
-SSD + 2xHDD
Everything used to work perfectly fine until I upgraded my PC (added the SSD, 4GB of ram, and installed a freshly new windows 10 on the SSD), and now my PC crashes whenever it is in idle, if I'm watching youtube, or just browsing google (while not using the mouse or clicking anything, just idle) my PC crashes, first it freezes but my mouse still works, I can move the cursor but cannot click anything, then after 5 minutes I get a BSOD with different error codes each time, Note that my pc never crashes when m gaming, or if I just launch a game and leave it in the background idling, it only crashes when m not launching any heavy tasks and just leaving the pc at idle, I also checked all the hardware (ran some stress tests on RAM GPUCPU etc) and the power plan settings are set to ultra with HDD/SSD set to never stop.