PC Crashing at the same exact spot in different games


Jan 1, 2015
Hi, i have windows 8.1 64, asus z97m plus, i5 4590, and sapphire r9 290, i can play Dragon Age Inquisition and other demanding games at max without any problem, no overheat, and the power supply runs fine even when everything is working at max, i have left aida64 system stability for about an hour and didn't have a problem, but then some very specific places, my pc just shuts down, there are 3 right now, one at the end of chapter 1 cinematic of Evil Within and when i reach the first bonfire of Lordran on Dark Souls 1, and randomly playing LOL, in the case of Evil Within and Dark Souls is always on the same exact spot, maybe is when the games do something that make me crash but i wonder how to avoid it, i use afterburner with +20% power and manual fan control, also use the osd of rivatuner.
reset everthing to default and try lowering the graphical settings

once i had his problem on crysis 3 where there would be crashes at a particular spot

My cpu reaches 60 max, usually around 55 and gpu around 85 degrees when playing Dragon Age everything at max, don't have a single problem with the game, or even Evil Within, i am already at chapter 4 and never had another crash is just on that single cutscene at the end of chapter 1, my gpu fan is set to manual on afterburner, max 60% of fan speed at 70 degrees, but when i play dark souls and lol my cpu and gpu hardly do any work since those games are very light, LOL hardly uses 10-20% of the cpu and gpu yet the crashes are completely random, as for dark souls is the same story, every single time i reach the first bonfire after the tutorial area i crash. If it was temps or something wrong with my hardware demanding games like dragon age, or even evil within would crash it, yet i can play dragon age for hours without a problem.
Try a fan profile in Afterburner - so that the fan is running at 80% at 80C and 100% over 85C.

Your temps aren't real high but still on the high side. Are you in a hot room?

Can you also put your CPU fan speed up?