I have been getting some weird pc crashes! The screen goes black with like weird contrast of whatever i was playing at the time for like 10 seconds and then the pc restarts. I have only noticed this crash happen while streaming with OBS or having OBS open at all. I know that doesnt mean it could happen without it being open, only that it hasnt yet. Minidump and pc specs below!
this is copied from bluescreenviewer
020123-6515-01.dmp 2/1/2023 9:38:26 PM IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x0000000a ffffffff
minidump file - https://www.mediafire.com/file/sivfciu6szgbd9w/021323-6765-01.dmp/file
PC specs
the psu provided by ibuypower did pop in decemeber and i have replaced it with a corsair CX-M Series CX750M psu.
i also have a samsung 860 evo 1 TB
I have been getting some weird pc crashes! The screen goes black with like weird contrast of whatever i was playing at the time for like 10 seconds and then the pc restarts. I have only noticed this crash happen while streaming with OBS or having OBS open at all. I know that doesnt mean it could happen without it being open, only that it hasnt yet. Minidump and pc specs below!
this is copied from bluescreenviewer
020123-6515-01.dmp 2/1/2023 9:38:26 PM IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x0000000a ffffffff
ffffffd0 00000000
00000002 0000000000000001 fffff805
088d14d6 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+428f20 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+428f20 C:\Windows\Minidump\020123-6515-01.dmp 16 15 22621 3,478,324 2/1/2023 9:39:15 PM minidump file - https://www.mediafire.com/file/sivfciu6szgbd9w/021323-6765-01.dmp/file
PC specs
the psu provided by ibuypower did pop in decemeber and i have replaced it with a corsair CX-M Series CX750M psu.
i also have a samsung 860 evo 1 TB