PC Decides when to boot from SSD


Sep 16, 2017
Hello guys, i have recently installed an SSD and installed windows on it i also have windows on one of my HDD's i have made sure to disabled windows booting from my HDD but when i turn my pc on i have to restart a few times for it to eventually boot from my SSD

ive updated my bios & ssd firmware to the latest version & i cant for the life of me figure out what is wrong.

heres the ssd model 120GB OCZ-VERTEX2 3.5 (SSD)
okay just make sure your SSD\Windows boot manager is on the Boot Option #1.
then go to your BBS priorities and choose your SSD (P1:OCZ-Vertex2) as your boot priority.
Here are the images


if you want to change your secondary drive as a pure data drive and unbootable, you will need to open your Disk Management tool (press winkey+xk). go to your secondary drive and delete the recovery and system partition.

as for expanding your existing data partition to the deleted, you can download and install 3rd party tools like EaseUS/Minitool partition to expand to the newly freed/unallocated space w/o losing data.

be very careful that you are choosing your secondary and not your primary drive when doing the steps above.