pc dies when gaming


Aug 15, 2014
i will make this quick, my pc dies some minutes after i start any game and i have no clue whats causing it besides that it´s not temperatures and that i have to restart my psu in order to get the pc back running.

my gpu never goes above 70
my cpu is always at 50


gpu: msi gtx 770 2gb gaming
cpu: intel core i5 4440 3.1 gzh
psu: corsair cx 750m 750w bronze modular
ram: adata xpg 8gb (2x4gb) ddr3 1600mzh
mobo: msi z87 g-45 gaming
hdd: seggate baracuda 1tb hdd 64mb 7200 rpm
chase: nzxt guardian 921 rb mid-tower

known issues: some cpu-pins where broken but i bent them back, this is probably not the problem since it´s been like that since i built it and it´s never been a problem
if it is that then there should be no problem, i have a warranty so i´ll just turn it in and ask for a new one. are there any other psu that i should get instead? i did buy the 750w psu to uppgrade to sli so it would be quite meh if i had to buy a new one...

cx psu are average psu made for home office use not for gaming and overclocking yes rma the psu ......if u thinking about future sli then 750 watt would not be enough at least a 850 watt or a 1000 watt for better headroom ......gtx 770 is similar in power consumption as gtx 780 both requires 42 amps in single rail...
I have two HD 7950s on that PSU.

Have you had the overclock the whole time? Could be an unstable OC.

no, i have tested overclocking but never used it because of the artifacts

when i bought that psu i thought it would be enough, i mean it´s 85% of 750w so it´s 600w a single 770 takes 230w my cpu takes 85w and the hdd v-ram and mobo consume 50 at most so 230+85+50=365w 365+230=595. it should be enough to run two 770 or at least handle the one in my build right now )=

Like I said I have two HD 7950s on that PSU. It is capable of running those, but it could be a faulty one.

two 7950 consumes 60w less than two 770s

My HD 7950s are overclocked pretty high, and are the versions that use a 6 pin, and 8 pin instead of two 6 pins. Also you only have one GTX 770, so my point is it is not a high quality PSU, but it can still get the job done.

i have solved everything!!! i had placed the psu uppside down so the psu just overheated! i am truly stupid =3 no problems at all now...

if your pc´s ever dies, remember my faliures before you turn in your psu´s XD
Is there no space under your case? But glad to hear.

i guess not, there are some holes but they where clearly not enough to provide air for my psu.