PC Display shuts off everytime I start a game.


Apr 16, 2013
Long title... yes I know 🙁 Anyway whenever i start a game the display just shuts off on me. I can get through the menu like GTA IV, Crysis 3, or Far Cry 3. After I click continue game or play at all the display just shuts off... I recently updated my HD 7750 to a HD 7770. The HD7770 is made by VisonTek in case you guys needed to know. Also the 7770 needed a 6pin pci so the box came with a converter from 4pin to 6pin and the video card only requires one 6pin and so the only 6pin connected is my converter one. I don't have a 6pin pci so thats why I use a converter.
This is a picture of my power supply's info.

Also its made by Cyberpowerpc and im not sure that they're so good. My main concern is that the power supply is what is keeping me from playing games.

Also this is the model number of my power supply and as you can see it says cyber powerpc on the top.

Im thinking of getting this power supply... im wondering if it will solve the problem.

So thanks for reading please reply with helpful tips on what I should do!