[SOLVED] PC doesn't always boot up, sometimes freezes at logo stage.


Apr 21, 2016
Hi again.

This refers to an occasional issue with my USFF Stone PC which has a i5-6400, 8GB RAM and a Crucial 275GB SSD - it usually boots up in a few seconds and is an otherwise unproblematic machine.

Now and then - actually, I think it's becoming more regular, perhaps a couple of times a week now - it stops at the 'Stone' logo, with the scrolling Windows wheel missing. Switching it off and back on always gets it booting up fine.

What could be causing this, please, and where should I begin - replacing the BIOS battery perhaps?

Many thanks.
Resurrecting this thread as the situation has deteriorated to the point where it's a 50:50 chance of it not booting up first time. When it stops at the frozen 'Stone' logo, Alt/Ctrl/Del will reboot it successfully. I'd always assumed that A/C/D was a 'Windows' feature, and not 'BIOS', but hey.

Anyhoo, I'll do as suggested above. Can you confirm what 'resetting Nand flash data' / 'Reset CMOS' will actually do?! Ie - will I need to re-flash the latest version afterwards or what? Is it a way of setting it back to the factory state or what? Or will/should it be 'ok' after this and need nothing else?

Blimey, this was a loooong time ago! Anyhoo, the freezing boot-up was caused by a poor HDMI connection to the TV, which is used as a monitor.
Spray of contact cleaner, and all is well. Connector feels a bit loose and sloppy, but it works.