PC doesnt rec my GPU

Dor Kaplan

Jan 14, 2015
to start of my main components are:
mobo - gigabyte z97x gamin 3
GPU - gigabyte gtx970 g1
PSU - corsair cx750m
CPU - intel i5 4690k (dont think it got any connection to the problem).
btw using windows 8.1 64bit

My problem:
My computer doesnt recognize the GPU.
those are all brand new components.
the GPU "windforce" logo LED is on and all 3 fans are running.
when checking for the GPU on the control pannel it shows me that my adapter is intel HD graphics 4600
http://prntscr.com/5si83u - as in this pic.
important to say that the monitor is connected to the PC by VGA that goes to the motherboard not to the GPU outputs (cuz my HDMI cable is lost till i buy a new one).
i'v tried to change the PCIe slot in the mobo and tried to change the PCIe cable (modular PSU).
all the drivers/mobo version/ everything is update.

i'v went through a lot of thread and couldnt find one with the same problem as I'v got.

tnx a lot for anyone who answer!
*sorry if there are some grammer mistakes, english isnt my first language
You will need to plug your monitor into one of the Gpu displays, the ones on the motherboard only support the integrated graphics.