A while ago I posted this https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...ock-random-shut-offs-gpu-oscillating.3810814/ thread. Recently I got the opportunity of going to a friend's house and trying my pc with his components to pinpoint the issue, but my pc ended up working normally as is. I came back home and tried booting it up, and it did it with no problem. I managed to use it for the whole day and the next too, but after that, the issue came back, and it has been like that ever since. So I tried getting a new power cable as it was the only differencial when I tested it in my friend's house, but no luck.
I am getting desperate here. What could it be? I've tested the electricity on my house, and it's fine.
Thanks in advance to any who tries helping.
I am getting desperate here. What could it be? I've tested the electricity on my house, and it's fine.
Thanks in advance to any who tries helping.