PC Emulators


Feb 12, 2012
So I am looking to get a gameboy and PS2 emulator for my PC, I have found the website emulator-zone.com but I am not sure if it is safe, so my question is. Is emulator-zone.com safe? If so, exactly how would I go about downloading and installing the emulator and then getting the games? If it is not safe, Where can I get a safe, good emulator?
1. put ps2 disc in dvd drive
2. select your dvd drive (in psx2 that is)
3. ?????
4. play!

ok it might not be that easy
the dvd drive found in a ps2 is made to have fast read times compared to normal computer dvd drives so if your dvd drive is ide then you might want to make an iso of that disc (if its sata then you should be ok but if it runs slowly iso it anyway before giving up)
Commercial video games are copyrighted material. Having copies of said games without owning the originals is piracy. These copies are called "ROMS" by most folks nowadays. This is why it's easier to find emulators than the games themselves. Most public discussion forums don't condone or allow piracy, so you won't get much help asking where to find them. My suggestion to you is to have decent antivirus software on your PC and do some google searching. It's all out there.

When it comes to understanding how emulators work, they all have some sort of documentation. Read and experiment. When it comes to PCSX2 and running games that you own, the authors state it's best to make a digital copy (iso) of your PS2 game disc and open it with PCSX2 instead of trying to run it right off the DVD drive. ISO Buster is a good, free tool you can use to make legal copies of PS2 games that you own.
iso is a disk image file
sata and ide are different... umm things... tbh i dont know exacly what they are...
but sata uses small cables ide uses great big wide cables...
i hope that helps...

@rpg heero said make an iso :/ (if that is in response to his post - heero is a he right?)

SATA and IDE are physical drive (HD/CD/DVD) I/O bus communication technologies. Not really important to know exactly what they mean except that SATA is newer and much faster than IDE.
What is relevant here is that in order to get the most speed out of PCSX2, it's best to create digital images of your legally owned PS2 games (.iso files) and save them on your hard drive, then open them with PCSX2.

The read speed is much faster from a hard drive than a DVD or CD drive.
Edit - clarification.
PCSX2 is the only option at this time. Used PS2's are pretty cheap nowadays, though, and quite frankly, the games play better on the real hardware. What is nice about PCSX2 and GSDX (it's video plugin) is that it has settings which reduce the "jaggies".

Yeah I have a PS2, but 480p looks like dump on my HDTV... Yeah that's the main reason I wanted to play on my PC - higher resolution and antialiasing. But apparently you have to jailbreak your PS2, reformat a USB drive, burn an ISO to a disc that the PS2 can read, rip the BIOS to the USB, dump it to your PC, divide by zero, walk through fire, arm-wrestle Chuck Norris, and then PCSX2 will work.

Yep, the ol' PS2 looks not so good on my TV either. Even if you do somehow dump your PS2 bios (don't google it!) and get PCSX2 working, you will find to your dismay that it just doesn't work that well. There are odd speedups and slowdowns. Until I found the right set of GSDX settings, it would crash 5 seconds after starting a game. Like most emulators for any hardware newer than a SNES, they are glitchy and need a newish PC to run the games at a decent speed. My PC is six years old.
It will be a few years until PCSX2 gets to the point where it is as rock solid as BSNES. Hang onto that PS2 for a while...

Hmph. Yeah the recommended specs are like a 3.5GHz quad-core CPU. The only games I'd play anyway are Final Fantasy X, Dirge of Cerberus, Snake Eater, and Tenkaichi 2. At least the N64 emulator works great on my PC.

Which N64 emulator do you use?
should have said i do know that sata is faster than ide D:

i think ide is paralel (lots of... bits? bytes? 1's or 0's? DATA THINGS meh... at once but that can lead to whassit... crosstalk)
and sata is... series? (one bit of data stuff sent at a time no cross talk)

^ is that right? (sorry about it making little sence its late)
yep the n64 emulator is the best of all of em. its easy to use , very little hassle setting up and plays the images fine... cant say the sam for any of the ps2 emulators although they work they are very specific in what games require what plugins and thats where it falls flat...
i could manage to get gt4 working on it with minimum 30 fps but it took 5 hours to figure out how to get it running... all in all not a great experience...

turok on the n64 was pretty much just plug and play... withing 10 mins i was ready and had a great afternoon retroing it out... defiantly worth the time and effort with some excellent games like turok the n64 emulator is the business.
i find psx2 easy to set up and work with :/
i can play random games no one has heard of like ms saga a new dawn and .hack//infection perfectly (.hack//infection is a pretty bad game graphicly tho - aka ITS TERRIBLE D:)
@nagisa PCSX2 is a completely different beast... so please feel free to try and get grand tourismo 4 working on it... then come back every hour and either post a pic of it working or tell us you havent managed yet... LULZ...

seriously m8 i could get most things to work on it reasonably easy but nowhere near as easily as the n64 emulator...

@FlintIronStagg that site is actually illegal m8, it cant legally host playstation bios's as they are copyrighted. and you can only legally run the emulator if you have an actual playstation 2. because thats the only place you can legally acquire a ps2 bios.
this is why emulator zone doesnt host the bios's for any of the machines that require them.

Can you please list the easy steps you took to set it up? I found it unbelievably convoluted, and as I said I would love to play my games on my PC.

@HEXiT, why would you want to play GT4 anyway? I got it for PS2 because you can play in 1080i, but I found it so boring - like the most boring game I've ever played. They even made the Corvette boring to drive. So I sold it and got GRID for PC instead :)
well i install it put the ps2 bios files in the correct folder load the correct one for the game i want to play set up the keys select the iso and away i go
every game i have tried works almost perfectly (some like .hack//fragment require something to bypass the start up logos or else it fails to work after that it works perfectly)

games that i have working either perfectly or just about with a few minor problems here and there
ms saga a new dawn
the simpsons hit and run
star wars battle front
some navy seals thing
a james bond game (agent under fire i think?)
and just cause (i have since brought the pc version so i havent tried it with the latest release of psx2)
One of the great things about consoles is that you can put the game in and play it by just turning it on. My point here is that at this time, the PS2 plays it's games better than the emulator, PCSX2.
If you use PCSX2 to play games you don't or can't own, I suppose putting up with glitches is easily justified.