PC Extremely high temps?

Vincent Flores

Sep 4, 2015
I would be playing CS:GO and my AMD FX-8350 would be around 71C at the main menu.

*My fan is on correctly
*I just bought a new fan recently
*Yes it came with thermal paste/ i used new thermal paste.

I can't find what's wrong with my system. My side panel would be off and on and the temp doesn't change. It's so bad that it would turn off my pc at times (once it reaches 80-85C i believe) and I am thinking of upgrading my CPU/Mobo.

Vincent Flores

Sep 4, 2015

Rosewill RCX-Z1

I actually posted about how I kept my overclock feature on accidentally (OC Tuner) and it made my cpu jump from 4GHz to 4.4GHz (which is 200MHz over the turbo clock) and I thought that was the cause of the problem. I reset my cmos and the temps are still the same. I will definitely try reseating the CPU fan because this was not a problem until recently.

I tried so many things

1) Bought a new fan and thermal paste (I was scared that it was because of my fan. My old fan basically broke down now.

2) I reset my cmos because of the OC Tuner

3) I checked if opening/closing my side panel would help

This has become very troublesome for me. My pc would shut off without warning after it reached a certain temperature. All I know is that I have seen my temps as high as 77C. I have never witnessed it go over that because it probably shuts down once it hits 80-85C.