[SOLVED] PC fails to boot first time

Jun 26, 2020
When I press power button on PC it turns on, gets to MSI boot screen (with options to press del for BIOS setup etc) but goes no further. But then I press the reboot button on PC case and it boots up fine and runs OS.

When I switch off pc, turn off power, turn off PSU, unplug power cable, hold power button to discharge, then plug everything back in and turn on, it boots up fine by pressing power button - no need to reboot.

What could be causing this?

Please let me know if I'm being confusing or have missed anything.
Its likely a driver that doesn't like win 10 new power modes.
Turn off fast startup - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-turn-off-fast-startup-windows-10-a.html

The only time a PC with fast startup is actually off is during a restart or if you unplug it. Drivers not written for win 10 can react oddly to these conditions. What fast startup does, is instead of turning PC off on shutdown, it saves a copy of all running drivers into ram and saves all info to hibernate file, and puts PC to sleep. On startup, it only has to load half as much as info in ram. This plays havoc with drivers not written for mode.

Now what are specs of PC as real cause is a driver so if we can update it, you can leave that on.

BUT if you have an ssd as boot drive, you don't need fast startup. I always have it off. It only really assists hdd as it makes them seem faster.
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Its likely a driver that doesn't like win 10 new power modes.
Turn off fast startup - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-turn-off-fast-startup-windows-10-a.html

The only time a PC with fast startup is actually off is during a restart or if you unplug it. Drivers not written for win 10 can react oddly to these conditions. What fast startup does, is instead of turning PC off on shutdown, it saves a copy of all running drivers into ram and saves all info to hibernate file, and puts PC to sleep. On startup, it only has to load half as much as info in ram. This plays havoc with drivers not written for mode.

Now what are specs of PC as real cause is a driver so if we can update it, you can leave that on.

BUT if you have an ssd as boot drive, you don't need fast startup. I always have it off. It only really assists hdd as it makes them seem faster.

Hi Colif,

Thanks, I've turned off fast startup and the problem is still occurring.

My PC build:
MSI B350m Mortar Arctic
Ryzen 5 3600 3.6GHz
2x Crucial 8GB DDR4-2400 CL17 RAM
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070
Corsair CXM 550W PSU
Actually, if i had read it, the problem is happening before windows even starts...

what drives have you got? ssd? NVME?
is the ram on the motherboard memory listing?
have you got the latest BIOS for motherboard?

any extra peripherals plugged in like printer? external hdd?
Actually, if i had read it, the problem is happening before windows even starts...

what drives have you got? ssd? NVME?
is the ram on the motherboard memory listing?
have you got the latest BIOS for motherboard?

any extra peripherals plugged in like printer? external hdd?

I'm using a WD 1TB Blue 3.5" HDD

I've ordered a Crucial 500GB M.2 i'm just waiting for it to arrive, i'm going to have it set up as the boot drive.
Yes, the ram i'm using is on the compatibility list.
Also, yes i should've mentioned this in the original post - I recently upgraded my CPU, before replacing i reflashed the BIOS to the latest version (around a month ago). This problem didn't start straight after replacing CPU, was around a week or so after.

I have an external hdd, headset/mic, keyboard and mouse connected.