PC fan hub question ...


Dec 19, 2013
I have one 3 pin case fan header on my old mobo and so was thinking of buying the deepcool fan hub .. My question is that can I plug in 4 fans into the hub and then plug in the hub to the 3 pin fan header on my mobo ??? Is that safe for my motherboard ???
Hmm, yeah looks like just a splitter. I would Not connect it to a single fan header. (if you only have one fan header, likely a lower cost board which could burn up if you try running 4 fans off it. Yeah, too much current draw... ) You could get an adapter and connect that Fan Hub to a molex connect which Would be perfectly safe. Then your fans would run straight off your power supply.


(NOTE: maybe your Fan Hub already includes this adapter???)

So , I can connect 4 fans to a hub and then connect that hub to the 3 pin header without damaging the header ??? Please confirm .. Actually , I heard that the header cannot provide that much current ( or some reason ) which made me worry about destroying my mobo ... However , if connecting in that way is fine then it will be great ...
Hmm, yeah looks like just a splitter. I would Not connect it to a single fan header. (if you only have one fan header, likely a lower cost board which could burn up if you try running 4 fans off it. Yeah, too much current draw... ) You could get an adapter and connect that Fan Hub to a molex connect which Would be perfectly safe. Then your fans would run straight off your power supply.


(NOTE: maybe your Fan Hub already includes this adapter???)

Yeah but then I would be running the fans at full speed always which I would like to avoid for longivity and noise reduction ... I was thinking of a fan controller but then again that would be my last option ... Anyways I have the cooler master k380 chassis and as far as the fan controller goes I am looking at the deepcool rockmaster 3.0 ... The controller seems to be good , I am only worried about the quality of the product specially the usb 3.0 ports .. I mean , I don't know if they will get damaged early or not ..