pc fans spin on max but no booting


Feb 24, 2014
So been running into this issue the last few months but sometimes overnight when i wake up I go to power up again my pc boots for one second then stops and starts again with the pc fans spinning on max but no boot up or anything. Any attempts to turn on and off plugging out etc result in the fans spinning max nothing happening. if i plug everything out and wait about 2 hours i seem to have a good chance of getting it booting again and its like it woke up from sleep. I've check all the connections and reset and reapplied thermal paste to the cpu. I'm guessing its something to do with the bios but i really have no clue.

these are my specs:
intel i5 4670k
gtx 970
Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
Asus Z87-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Corsair CX 600W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
windows 10
Ok Take out the cpu and just check for any bent pins, if there are none put it back in. Try putting on some new thermal paste. If that does not do the trick, 90% of the time it is a bad mobo when it comes down to either the mobo or cpu. Another thing is to check standoffs and cmos battery. Might be that something is shorting. Try bread boarding the pc. If that does not help, just replace the motherboard cause it probably is the board, very rare that it is the cpu. Also just look at the board and see if there is any bad capacitors that it would be obvious then.

pc is almost two years old and ive been having this problem for months and the pc stills work fine after two hours so i dont feel like its a faulty part
Just because you have had the PC for nearly 2 years doesn't mean a part can't or won't go bad and clearly something is wrong. I agree with isleepalot you need to check these items otherwise if you feel there is nothing wrong with your parts then why bother asking for help since you already know the answer.

In that case I'm not sure what you mean by check or how to test them. Like everythings works fine for about a week or two then the problem happens so im not sure how ill be able to test them if they usually do work until the problem happens then two hours later they work again.

Ok I removed ram and gpu from system and tried there was no post beeps so that indicates its probably either cpu or mobo right?

I tried a different psu its an ancient 630 watt one i had lying around, it did pretty much the same though the fans acted a little differently not sure what to make of that. they spun fast but not as fast as the other cpu for 1 sec then spun like they used to normally but no booting.

Not sure how to tell if its cpu or mobo.

Any ideas?
Ok Take out the cpu and just check for any bent pins, if there are none put it back in. Try putting on some new thermal paste. If that does not do the trick, 90% of the time it is a bad mobo when it comes down to either the mobo or cpu. Another thing is to check standoffs and cmos battery. Might be that something is shorting. Try bread boarding the pc. If that does not help, just replace the motherboard cause it probably is the board, very rare that it is the cpu. Also just look at the board and see if there is any bad capacitors that it would be obvious then.