PC for Video Editing


Apr 30, 2013
Hey all at tom's hardware! This is my first post that must begin with great thanks to all you wiz-kids out there for posting and educating the globe!

Now, I have tried and tried to find something on PCs for video editing and have come up short every time. All I see is games, games, games. As much as that's all fun, I need to learn some crucial info on how much a gpu carries the task of video editing vs. the cpu.

Specifically, this is what I am puzzled about:
- the cpu needs to be as much of a beast as possible, BUT
- is the gpu and its ram amount/type and clock extremely or partially crucial to the task?
- what is the system's ram role in the cpu/gpu/ram arena?

I know that ram mainly covers the application and its plugins/effects. The cpu does all the math (as far as I know).

I am having issues running several video tracks in Cyberlink Power Director (and when I add effects - forget it...). The machine gets very slow and working on any project is just awful. My next attempt is Adobe after effects which might take up less system resources, but I haven't tested that yet.

Before you possibly and understandably so, dismiss the currency of my system, let me assert my plans on a new build with i7 3770k which I intend to begin soon. Still, what I have now has been extremely faithful and virtually glitch free during extreme audio recodings (that's what I do), and I just feel terrible getting rid of it.

Here it is:
Dell xps 720, 750W
Q6600, 680i sli chipset, 4gb ram, win xp, and some other audio stuff.

Before I give up on it, I was thinking of adding a max of available ram (8gb at 1066) and installing win 7. I also have an HD7750 2GB that I haven't tried on it, simply because I was going to recycle this Q6600 on an ASUS p5G41 M-LX plus (unfortunately it seems that the board is kinda half dead when I breadboarded the test build).

So there you have it! Any suggestions and input would be GREATLY appreciated!
I do a lot of video editing with PD 11 on my rig. (See sig) I don't have the problems you are experiencing.

More Ram could help. I just googled your model number and found that different processors were offered. Do you have a dual or a quad core?

If it's a quad, then RAM is probably the next logical step. If it's only a dual core, you need more CPU power.

The program is highly threaded so even a 4-core isn't really a beast.