PC Freezes After 1 Hour (Windows 10)


Jun 27, 2018
Hey there everyone, so my problem is as follows. After I turn on my PC, it will work fine for an hour and then it freezes. I can't click anything or type. I am pretty sure that it's not an overheating problem because I can be playing a graphic intensive game or just have my computer on the desktop screen with nothing open and it will freeze. My guess is that there is something that is trying to run after exactly an hour after I turn on my PC but I'm not sure. I run Task Manager and I don't see any program running, although I could be mistaken. I don't know how to open up programs that start after an hour so if you believe that's the problem please tell me how. I ran the "mdsched.exe" application and it said that there were no problems with my memory. It could be a virus but I don't know for sure. Below are my PC specs.

Windows 10 (64 bit)
Motherboard: asrock 970a-g/3.1
Memory: 12 GB or RAM. 2 4GB stick & 2 2GB stick
Processor: AMD Phenom II
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

If you need anything else please tell me and I will see what I can do to provide the information. Thank you for helping me out on this very annoying problem. Also, I am not the most PC person out there so I'm going to need a little bit of help in finding things, basically I'm a noob at fixing PC stuff I just use them for game development and such.
Can you list the stick of ram on your board? Are they from two different kits or 4 different sticks with the paired capacities? Are you on the latest BIOS update for your motherboard? You may also want to include the make, model and age of your PSU.

Yes they are from two different kits (I assume from different companies is what you meant). I don't know what you mean by compared capacities, so if you could explain that to me. The RAM is two 2GB DDR3 Corsair brand that look the same. I looked on CPU-Z and it says the "Ranks" is "Dual". The other two stick of RAM are 4GB DDR3 G.Skill brand also with Dual Ranks. I will look at the PSU and give you an answer ASAP

So I looked at my PSU and then I saw that it is from ThermalTake. It has number thing and this is it "tr600CUSHR0074983" I have no idea what it is. I also saw that it said "hi pot ok" and I'm not sure what that it. I know that the computer itself is kind of old, I'd say at least 5+ years. I got it as a gift so I wasn't going to complain. I did have to get a new motherboard which is the one mentioned above. Anything else you need please just ask.