When i play games on my PC (GTA 5, Just cause 3, the whitcher etc) i will be able to play it for about 5 minutes and then my computer will freeze for about 10 seconds and then reboot. I have no idea whats going on, please help!
The symptom you describe is almost always caused by an inadequate power supply.
Your graphics card isn't getting enough amps on the 12v rail, once it gets starved of power it crashes, often bringing the rest of the PC with it. Sometimes they are able to recover. Sometimes you can still hear sound in the background. But almost always these problems are caused by a bad/inadequate PSU.
The symptom you describe is almost always caused by an inadequate power supply.
Your graphics card isn't getting enough amps on the 12v rail, once it gets starved of power it crashes, often bringing the rest of the PC with it. Sometimes they are able to recover. Sometimes you can still hear sound in the background. But almost always these problems are caused by a bad/inadequate PSU.
How about system specs. I wouldnt jump on the PSU band wagon just yet, normally if it was a power issue it would just shut down and not lag for a few seconds. I would be more inclined on a thermal issue but without out computer specs its really just a guess.
GTA 5, Just cause 3, the whitcher are all cpu intensive games, if the cpu gets to hot it will lag the game trying to cool its self, if it cant do that it will shut the computer down.
A display driver crash will kill the game and drop him back to the desktop not reboot the computer.
Once again everyone is guessing till we know what his computer specs are.
EDIT for new info
Im leaning more to the PSU now that i know its a VS, What temps are you getting on the cpu during gaming?